Eliminate conflict | Optimize resiliency | Access creative collaboration


Beneath what you do,

what you have,

or what people think about you

is your truest self


The truest thing about you cannot be robbed.
But it can get lost under the rubble of life


“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
- Einstein

The Identity Method Process


Identify the belief system you live by and establish a new default mode that both your head and heart can connect to in an unconflicted way.

Remove the obstacles that keep you from thriving by  understanding the conflict between the false self and true self that all humans encounter.

Unlock access to the inner well of creativity — the source of all innovation and discovery by facilitated transformation at the identity level.

 Identity Method is a life transformation consulting agency, that helps individuals and teams develop collaborative innovation through understanding the concepts of wholeness and resiliency within the framework of True Identity. 



Jamie has learned what it takes for individuals to discover the transformative power of living fearlessly in their true identity from decades of work bringing peaceful solutions to some of the world’s highest conflict areas.

After a distinguished career in law enforcement in the metro Washington, DC area, Jamie had a unique opportunity to bring his identity-centric approach of transformation to the field of education.  He earned an MA in English and accepted a position at a university in Indonesia. Jamie developed a unique language acquisition program based on the Identity Method premise: identity transformation is the key to acquiring new levels of learning in any field. His work drew the attention of Fulbright and other educational institutions which extended his work worldwide over the past several decades.   

Along with his wife Donna, Jamie is the co-founder of Identity Exchange - a training and consulting company committed to enhancing the resiliency level of clients by teaching them the transformative power of living fearlessly in their true identity. 

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